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Goliath (Monsterbus p.410)

I don't think this is a Kirby plot. Or at least, not one he gave much thought to. Let's look again at the checklist:

Eight ways to identify a Kirby plot

  1. More than a twist: The plot does not ONLY rely on a twist at the end. It is satisfying even without the last panel.
  2. Kirby did the layouts.
  3. Description above the title. Kirby's stories were richer so needed the extra introduction: see Challengers, New Gods, Eternals, etc.
  4. Every page is rewarding. There's something new and interesting on every page: it doesn't merely tease the ending.
  5. Reality: The story is based on science, or history, or something else from the real world.
  6. How would I defeat...? The story has you thinking how to beat a new threat. And the solution is something that would work in the real world. Kirby said in interviews that he got a kick out of thinking up some wild new threat and then thinking "how would I beat it?"
  7. The dialog fits the art. The amount of dialog does not look squashed in awkwardly: it is roughly what the artist (Kirby) intended.
  8. Originality. The story is either original, or has not been used for a couple of years and adds something interesting. But if it's just the fifth "alien invasion with a twist" this year, then it was probably suggested by someone else.
Kirby did the layouts, and the dialog fits the art, but that's about it. The rest of it is just a single idea, yet another "alien invades, and we trick them" story. The science does not make sense: the creatures are too big to survive deep under water (not enough food or air) or to stand up above it. The story has numerous problems: are the Atlanteans really that stupid? Could such a fake monster be built in a reasonable time? As for internal consistency or unity, look at the final frame: humans saying "we are so clever" but leaving evidence of their fraud for any ocean creature to see!

On to the next story.
