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OMAC: closing thoughts

Kirby never got to finish OMAC. In the middle of the story there's a tiny frame where everything explodes, and that's it! Over! But that isn't fooling anyone. The story did not, and could not, end.

Being forever unfinished was the perfect ending. It ends with man and machine fighting to the death. The planet versus the machines, with the first casualty the sea. And that is what we we are now.

It is 2017 and computers are becoming smarter than humans. Not in the same way as us if course. Human AI is not the problem. Maybe machines will always need some humans. But do those humans need you and me? Or are they like Skuba, extracting whatever they can for their own benefit? The first casualty of mindless greed will be rising sea levels. Kirby was right, look to the sea.

We are in a war for life itself and we don't know the outcome. So the final OMAC book does not end, it leaves us in the middle of the battle.

Because that is the whole point of the future. It isn't fixed. Anything can happen.
